<p>I've already read the posts of others pondering on this question, but I was hoping to get some personalized advice for my situation.
I live in Texas- literally 30 minutes from Rice but I am looking into Cornell as well.
I am visiting in April, but in the mean time I was wondering what points I should look for in comparing the two universities. I recently attended the Rice VISION weekend and will do something similar with Cornell, but are there any major reasons to forsake Rice with it being in such close proximity, near the medical center ( I plan on doing premed), and having parents who are physicians and can give me advice concerning internships?</p>
<p>Reading over my question, the answer sounds pretty skewed towards Rice, but I feel torn between the 'ivy-league' rep of Cornell/differing atmosphere and the practicality of Rice.</p>
<p>I just need advice on how to properly compare these schools (free from bells and whistles). I certainly don't want to regret my decision this coming May.</p>
<p>Thank you in advance!</p>
<p>Rice seems to have a great undergraduate student life and is excellent for pre-med! The decision is ultimately yours but don’t go to Cornell for the “ivy league rep”. The people that truly matter know where Rice is. My answer, is of course, a bit biased as I’ll be attending Rice next fall
(also got into Cornell)</p>
<p>Obviously, both are truly excellent schools. In your case – assuming there’s not a financial reason to go to one or the other. Do you want to go to school close to home, or experience a different region of the country. Only you can answer that.</p>
<p>I would visit both schools before making your decision. </p>
<p>Making your decision solely based on the fact that Cornell is an “ivy” and Rice isn’t would be a mistake in my opinion. The two schools are both competitive and have strong academics. </p>
<p>A factor you might want to keep in mind is that Cornell is a more rural campus with no major city for many many miles, whereas Rice is in the city of Houston. Personally, I visited Cornell after being accepted, and realized that I prefer the city because you don’t feel as “trapped” on campus, but this could differ from person to person. </p>
<p>Wanting to get a little bit further from home is also a legitimate factor. Some people find that college is a time to go to a completely new place, branch out, and meet completely new people. On the other hand, you might want the safety of being close to home. It’s up to you to decide what you want. Good luck. </p>
<p>Both schools are excellent. both are in similar ranking and both are good for pre-med. But keep in mind that Houston is warmer area and Ithaca is colder area. </p>
<p>Thank you all for the great advice! I’m leaning toward Rice because I prefer the weather, city, and proximity of Houston, but I’ll wait until after I visit to make an informed decision.
Thank you a million times over, and good luck with your college decisions! </p>