<p>I received the acceptance letters from some colleges and now I need to make a decision. The list of colleges I am considering is long for now: Rice, Wellesley, UCLA, UCSD, Barnard, my home state university, .... I haven't really decided what major yet. I am good at science and math, and I like liberal art which I am thinking eventually go for an MBA. Three schools top my list at this moment: Rice (with some FA), Wellesley (with some FA), and UCSD with a Regents scholarship and paying in-state tuition. I have visited UCSD Saturday, and plan to visit Wellesley in two weeks. I have been at Rice several times to visit my brother there. I am very good in paino winning the state championship and is thinking to do a minor in music or continue to take lessons in college.</p>
<p>I appreciate if you can post some opinion/suggestion for me to think about. I am sure we all find a good fit in the end. So good luck to any one in a similar situation.</p>
<p>Which is the cheapest? (excluding the state schools)
Which campus/campus feel do you like best?
Which has the best programs for your intended major?</p>
<p>I was also deciding party between Wellesley and Barnard (and UCLA instead of UCSD, and NYU instead of rice lol). I chose Barnard becuase Wellesley is too far removed from a city and is a traditional womens college where as Barnard is in NYC and not a traditional womens college…it just depends on where you’ll be happy. Wellesley, Rice and Barnard are all fabulous schools. I just don’t know much about UCSD.</p>
<p>Rice is allegedly an awesome school for science/engineering, but then again, UCSD’s biomedical engineering is unparalleled, except maybe by JHU. I kind of think that private schools are better for undergrad because you will have more flexibility in choosing courses and better advising, as well as a more unique experience.</p>
<p>Personally, I’d go to Rice, but I’m a guy, so that makes my choice a bit easier in this case.</p>
<p>since you are completely undecided as to major, then I would rule out UCSD (unless you’re in-state, in which case you save $27,000 per year over your other choices), whose calling card is biomedical sciences, and science in general.</p>
<p>The same is true for Rice, but less so.</p>
<p>For a broad education for an undecided major, Wellesley and Barnard are both great choices. They’re almost equally respected. Barnard is tougher to get into – (26% vs. 36% in 2006), while Wellesley is ranked higher. I guess you’ll have to go by the culture of each campus. If public perception is important to you or your parents, Wellesley is much more known by the general public.</p>