Rieber Vista population - freshman/upperclassmen?

<p>I'm a transfer in Rieber Vista but I gradated HS early so I'm a few years younger than other transfers. Not expecting it to be a big deal, but it would be nice to be prepared when I show up this weekend!</p>

<p>Is Rieber Vista mostly transfers/upperclassmen, or are there freshmen? Does it vary by floor?</p>

<p>Mostly 2nd years</p>

<p>Are most floors social? I heard it’s lest social than halls, but I mean I still want it to be pretty social</p>

<p>Most plazas are less social than halls, but it really depends on your floor. In my personal opinion though, most of the social “scene” really occurs with a small group on each floor.</p>

<p>I once talked with some Vista people and they said that it’s not very social, but they get the occasional freshman and a lot of transfers so “it’s pretty social.”</p>

<p>From everything I’ve read, it seems like plazas are going to be less social because there’s less people on each floor and they probably have a higher concentration of older students.</p>

<p>It’s probably what you make of it - if you get out there, talk to people, go to the meetings, etc etc, I’m sure you’d find it social enough. But certainly not hall-social.</p>