Being social in Rieber Vista?

<p>A lot of people have suggested going around and introducing yourself to the people on your floor. However, a lot of the doors in my building, Rieber Vista, are closed, and the people don't seem to be particularly friendly. So should I just try to do it anyway and see if people are nicer than they seem, or just leave well enough alone? Thanks for any input. [:</p>

<p>most people should be nice. if you see someone you like and want to hang out with them try talking to them, whether they be in an elevator, your floor, or doing laundry. don’t treat it as something larger than it is. it is just the same as meeting people at work, classes, and super extended family members</p>

<p>I don’t know about the other doors (and people), but it just won’t stay open and put… So I’ve given up on that. People (from other floors, even) have knocked on my door and introduced themselves, and I’m more than happy when they do. It’ll also get a lot better after your floor meeting tomorrow.</p>

<p>people in deneve/birch are antisocial has hell. all the doors are closed except mine and people just walk past and they dont give a crap about saying hi.</p>

<p>Use your trash can to hold the door open.</p>

<p>^lol thats exactly what i do</p>

<p>I’m in Rieber Hall on a floor that’s mostly 2nd years and I have the same problem. I have a room right next to the elevator and my door is always open and maybe two people have came by and introduced themselves. So, me and a friend I met from the floor took it upon ourselves to go out of our way to meet people. We went around another floor inviting people to the football game yesterday, and today we asked a random group of people if we could join them for lunch which resulted in us actually going to their floor dinner (because the RAs on my floor are lame and haven’t planned any such events). Anyways, I guess the point is that if you go out of your way to meet people, you shouldn’t have much trouble.</p>

<p>introduce yourself at rieber terrace haha im always happy to meet new people. I feel as though I am not being as social as I should be</p>

<p>^definitely keep your door open with a trashcan. I’ll be honest, just the layout of plaza’s make them more anti social, so you’ll need extra effort to meet people. </p>

<p>if you really want to make friends in the dorms though, I recommend making friends in a hall…particularly Dykstra. I actually have a good friend who, after being disappointed about how anti social De Neve was, came to my floor in Dykstra all the time and made friends with everyone . good luck!</p>

<p>we had a group of like 10 people come over to Rieber Hall from Vista to socialize, so you’re always welcome here! (:</p>

<p>Okay great, thanks everyone, I’ll try these suggestions! [:</p>