
Okay, so here’s the situation: my subjects are math, physics, chemistry, English and PE. The thing is, you have the freedom to choose your fifth subject and the ones offered at my school are psychology, economics, history and PE. I opted for PE because it’s considered an easy subject and scoring. This way it wouldn’t hurt my total grade. I’ve planned to take AP Physics C, Chemistry and Computer Science A exams, even though my school offers no AP courses, to balance any required efforts without actually affecting my total high school grades as AP grades won’t be added to my high school transcript.
Considering this, is it okay for me to go with PE (which is a not-so-rigorous-subject) or should I switch over to another subject which demands efforts for rigor. Also, I plan to major in CS from a Canadian university, if that helps.

I could really use some help with this situation :stuck_out_tongue:

I faced a similar problem- as a biology student, I decided to choose PE over biotechnology (because the biotech teacher was a real wacko who’d refuse to award good grades during practicals). I was actually advised to do so by a senior from UPenn and I’m sure she knew what she was talking about. But then again, extramural sports are a big part of my ECs so keep that in mind.
I think PE is fine, especially if you’re planning to take AP courses.

I’m not at all into sports. No ECs, nothing. So I was wondering how that’d reflect my decision for the subjects :confused: Also, I’m not taking any AP courses. I’ll be self-studying for the AP exams. Will that do?

It shouldn’t be a problem, but I’d suggest you to have a good reason to explain why you decided to opt for PE; you don’t want them to think that you decided to choose the subject because it’s the easiest (even if that’s the real reason). Just make sure to do well in your AP exams- you can take it without the AP class.

Alright. Thanks a lot :slight_smile: