<p>This is a thread about RISD,
I would really like to see other peoples portfolio, people who have applied to RISD
Doe s any one have any information about transfering to RISD, if you already applied freshman year but didn't get in are the rules different,I think you don't have to have as many portfolio pieces but I don't know</p>
<p>Also what is the foundation summer program like and how does it compare to the foundation freshman year, is it better,worse,</p>
<p>Also any tips on how to get in, financal aid, anything about the school would be great, I'll do the same for anyone who asks</p>
<p>Post if you are applying to RISD and post your porfolio please
thank you :)</p>
<p>I don’t really have a online porfolio but
I was thinking about one for my animations</p>
<p>Do you or anyone know is RISD good for animation, I want to work for Disney/Pixar
I know RISD has a great reputation and that Seth Mcfarlin, creator of Family Guy and American Dad attened there so is it good for animation will I get good opurtunities their</p>
<p>What do you think of the freshman founation year vs. Transfers summer foundation session
I have heard that Transfers is better, more fun and you learn about the same</p>
<p>I did attend a parsons summer program the summer of my freshman year of high school and I attened the animation course they offered, it was the first time I ever made a real animation short ad look at that kind of software, well the computer teacher/animation teacher I had said that she ad the other animation professor that I had said that they really liked my expressions on my character and that I would do well at Pixar, that it would be a great place for me or something, I guess that was a complimate … but I thought my animation needed work.</p>
Back to RISD this form can be where we who have applied to RISD can vent and express questions and concerns</p>
<p>Is RISD a nice and safte place because I was reading another form that said Chacago was very dangerous and I want to make sure that RISD is safte but also a place where I can do things</p>
<p>Are the peopel their nice or are they snobby, do they welcome you or do you have to force your self into cinversation just for the sake of meeting people and not being alone, making friends</p>
<p>How are the Dorms, I visited RISD a couple times but I never saw what the dorm rooms looked like did anyone </p>
<p>What about Financle Aid…is it good or do you need to take out a ton of loans… is it the same rate for Transfers as it is for Freshman</p>
<p>Snotferatu your portfolio is really funky , in a good way I like it do you have aby other piece, I did apply before and I think they like a varitey of working styles, but not sure
Likes your suff I like how you used positive and negitive space</p>
<p>Disney is a choice but I am kind of set on RISD it far from home but still close enough so I could come home, about 3 hours I know nothing about Ringling and I like how you can take classes at such a great school,Brown, becasue I also like Law</p>
<p>I wouldn’t mind working with Seth Mc Farline and he has said that he prefers hiering RISD grads becasue they undersatnd thing the way he does and they were taught like he was </p>
<p>So my plan was to study animation at RISD and take law courses at Brown</p>
<p>What do you think about the RISD summer foundation session?</p>
are you applying to RISD, Post your portfolio.</p>
<p>AnyMator – Thanks, and alicedanding is right, maybe also consider applying to Ringling as well as RISD? CalArts also has pretty good Disney connections. :)</p>
<p>For your other questions, maybe you’ll have luck getting answers on livejournal’s RISD community? </p>
<p>I would love to work at disney, but i also would love to work for nickalodiean or cartoonnetwork, and there are grads from RISD that work at nick </p>
<p>I also would love to start my own animation show like family guy and avatar, creators are grads from RISD</p>
<p>I like how RISD teaches you the fundementals so I learn voiceing, and everything do it yourself animation</p>
<p>Anymator, I think you are getting ahead of yourself…Don’t assume that you would ever get work with Seth McFarlin or work with Disney, Nickolodeon, or CN…Let alone get into RISD in the first place. RISD is probably the most difficult art school to get into for any major in the country (second probably only to Cooper U…) </p>
<p>And what does Chicago have to do with RISD…Lol.</p>
<p>Chicago has nothing to do with RISd I was using it as an example , I was aking how the RISD nieghborhood/surround area was like</p>
<p>I was only talking about if I got into RISd I have a plan for if I don;t, I am currently a freshman in college so I already am in college I was thining about/ wamt to transfer to RISD my plan is just a though of many that I have</p>
<p>I was the next person to be called on the waiting list last year for RISD, so it not like I am saying have been accepted or anything like that,</p>
<p>I was asking for some incouraging words of wisdom
I wanted to hear what other thought about RISD</p>
<p>Don’t know how good the animation major at RISD is. Mike Dimartino and Bryan Konietzko, the creators of the Avatar cartoon, both went to RISD but they majored in illustration.</p>
If you live 3hours or so away, take very early train or bus, you can do daytrip. Maybe 100 bucks so so, but you just have to see it.
I had super rosy picture abut RISD and $$$ art schools in general but after the visit I sort of know it is not place for us.
Brown should be more accommodating taking trial class and such but you could see facility and surrounding area and students works if you can’t sit in RISD class.
You mean you never visited last year applying?
Use birthday or baby sitter money, if you have to, lie to parents and sneak out.
You have to go see it.</p>
<p>search old thread. There are tons.
RISD parents and applicants are most active bunch here and you can have earful good thing and bad thing (from whom didn’t get in or couldn’t aford and opted out, even I have one thread)</p>
<p>I did visit RISD last year more than once
I want to go to RISD becasuse one when I visited I liked the look, how it was like a little city, I like how I can take courses at Brown becasue I want to be able to major in art but also take non art courses, maybe some law ones, and RISD allows me to do that.</p>
<p>I did not know you could sit in o RISD classes
For all of the times I went to RISD and talked to people they never said I could see the dorm rooms, or even look into a class room, I went on the tour but we just stood outside the buildings and they talked about them, we quickly went through the film and animation buiding but we couldn’t look in any of the rooms</p>
<p>I feel like RISD shold have seperate tours for each major, if your interested in the major you go on the tour instead of taking a generic tour this tour could be designed to the specific major and the tour guides could be student of that major so they would know what they were talking about and we would all get the information about the specific major that we want, they could also show us the generic stuff as well</p>
<p>Oh, Ok I missed the bit you said you went.
No I don’t think they would let you sit in the class. No serious art school would do that which is stupid, I meant Brown might be able to let you.
If you go off-season like we did and happened to get honest and nice guide “ Brown class? Nah, I am not, you know, writing paper kinda guy. ‘s not easy as it says.” you could see more. But peeking from the window of freshman dorm and what’s in and around porch and communal studio area and seeing those awful murals would be suffice, don’t you think?</p>
<p>i went to risd over the summer for pre college, its super nice. Im pretty sure its easier to get in by transferring, however i dont think its really the best for animation, you should seriously consider calarts and ringling. I am the same way, i love risd dearly, but they recently eliminated all of their color film darkrooms, and i am extremely interested in photography, and film specifically. You should think about what you are actually majoring in and what the schools specialties are. Risd has a great reputation to the rest of the world, but when it comes to animation, people know that ringling and calarts are the places to be. Concerning the work during the foundations summer for transfers, it looked pretty intense. There was a class of transfers next to my foundations drawing class, and the were working hard every day.</p>