rising 9th grade

<p>Help us find a summer program for my son.</p>

<p>He is in 8th grade - rising 9th. He is 13</p>

<p>He has done CTY.</p>

<p>We don't have enough time for him to apply to THINK by Davidson b/c he'd need to take SAT again (his 2007 scores weren't high enough for THINK)</p>

<p>Most programs I am finding he doesn't qualify due to his age (too young) or the program seems to easy.</p>

<p>We are NOT trying to build a college resume -- just want to keep him active & interested in learning.</p>

<p>You could try Columbia but you need to obtain special permission. My sister had a roomate who was a rising freshman.</p>

<p>Thanks raiderade.</p>

<p>Their site states age 16 or you could request exception. I’m not sure I am comfortable with most of the kids being age 16 or older since he is only 13</p>

<p>Try HoagiesGifted website, there are lots of programs listed, sorted by location/interest, etc. I think it’s [Hoagies</a>’ Gifted Education Page](<a href=“http://www.hoagiesgifted.org%5DHoagies”>http://www.hoagiesgifted.org) Great site!</p>

<p>It might be easier to make suggestions with a bit more background. Is there a topic that is of particular interest to your son? Is there a specific reason why CTY is not a good fit for next summer?</p>

<p>There are a lot of math programs for which the entry requirement is a take-home math quiz he can do over several weeks.</p>

<p>Concordia Language Villages</p>

<p>If he’s into math, one of the better CTY programs is cryptography; my S went, (after having a couple of other CTY summers), and it was really new information that he hadn’t had in classes before, code breaking, etc. Really engaged him. I found the summer b/t 8th and 9th hardest, because not quite old enough yet for the many great high school math programs out there – though if he’s doing precalc, he could probably go anyway.</p>

<p>I was originally looking for a change from CTY just to expose him to other things, but recent finances, I now think we are just going to do a local day program.</p>

<p>Murphy’s Law – So many great and inexpensive choices for 10th & 11th graders, but not for 8th & 9th</p>

<p>Actually, I went to Columbia as a rising freshman at age 13. There were not a LOT of 13 year olds, but a decent amt of 14 year olds and so.</p>