<p>Hello CC'ers. If you wouldn't mind (and if possible) could you tell me if these colleges are in my reach? Also, pointers, tips, areas of improvement, where I should go from here, would be extremely helpful. Thanks!</p>
University of Pennsylvania
UNC-Chapel Hill</p>
Grade: Rising 11th
Race: Pacific Islander
Gender: Male</p>
Size: 2200 kids in the largest district of the state. One of the better public schools in the area</p>
<p>New School:
Next year I will be attending a selective public residential high school. They have a lot of opportunities for research and such there. Any tips on what I should do there?</p>
Rank: 1/600
GPA: 4.00 unweighted / 5.125 weighted
AP Gov- 5
AP Bio- 5
AP Chem- 5
AP Env- 5
SAT II Bio- 800
SAT II Chem- 800
SAT II Math 2- 800</p>
Wrestling- 2 years so far. Did outside wrestling club for 3 months post-season at UNC Chapel Hill.</p>
-Intern at a non-profit education organization. They promote education through use of computational modeling/science. (2 years)
-As an intern: Web development (several languages: MySQL, PHP, jquery, javascript, etc.)
-Random tutoring for science or math</p>
Volunteering at many different places. 60 hours freshman, 120 hours sophomore.</p>
Various clubs: Math, Debate, Science Olympiad, Key Club (largest club in school consisting of 500 kids).
Treasurer for Key Club- freshman year
Vice President for Key Club- sophomore year</p>
<p>Science Olympiad:
Top 5 in regionals for elevated bridge, biology
Top 10 in states for elevated bridge, biology</p>
<p>Thanks! I feel like I may be forgetting some things but I think this is a pretty good rundown. I'll answer any questions if you have them.</p>