<p>Hi CC, I'm just finishing my junior year of high school. I've participated in xc and track all three years and am decently competitive in xc (16:52 is my best 5k, not that times mean a whole lot). I've gotten a few recruitment letters, and am wondering what to do. I definitely am interested in running xc in college and if I can use it to my advantage in admissions then I'm all for it, lol.</p>
<p>So my question is basically what should I be doing now? My coach is in Kenya until about a month from now so I haven't filled out any athletic forms on schools websites because they want his information and I was thinking I should wait until he gets back. Even after I submit the athletic forms, should I call up the coach? I don't want to be left out just because I'm forgetting something.</p>
<p>I'm looking to apply at Brown, UChicago, Pomona, Carnegie Mellon, Harvey Mudd, and Lake Forest, if that helps. I know that athletics isn't the biggest deal at some of those schools, but every little bit helps, right? Academically I'm doing pretty well, so I'm not looking for athletics to make up for it, just as a boost.</p>