RIT Regular Decision for Fall ‘23

We are anxiously awaiting a decision from RIT as well. My daughter applied ED1 for Animation, was offered two other unrelated majors, declined those and they let her move to ED2 for Animation. Then she was deferred again to regular decision. Fingers crossed! This is so tough!!!


Congrats to those accepted! My son applied to engineering and hasn’t heard yet. This is exciting that the offers are coming in already. Hope everyone gets good news soon.

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My son applied for engineering too. He has been accepted to other places with good and generous merit aid - like Clarkson and - and some state schools as well. He regrets not doing ED, but at the time he just didn’t feel right about taking from someone that :100: was set on going to RIT. I guess even w the ‘friendly’ ED terms, you still play the game of signing w RIT in January or Feb with other colleges and offers still pending. He is anxiously awaiting the answer from RIT. If merit is at most 18-22K for the top, top students, then sadly I’m thinking it’s a no go for RIT.

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I hope that the RD acceptances last week are a good sign for more to come this week!


Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I wonder, though, if it is specific to major… I’m not holding my breath. But I’m ready already – goodness!

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Agreed- seems like it might be based on colleges and majors. Hoping we all hear this week. Best luck and wishes to all! :+1:

My daughter heard Friday as well! Accepted to PA program with Presidential Scholarship. Website indicates PA’s typically get a “Combined Pathways Scholarship”, so I’m hoping more is coming still, but super gratefule to have heard mid-Feb instead of the mid-March like they indicated a few weeks ago!


My son was accepted for Civil Engineering Technology today. Hoping for a good merit package!



Congratulations! :tada: I hope more decisions are on the way!


Daughter was just accepted for Animation!!!’ Woo hoo!


That is wonderful!!!

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Congratulations!!! Hoping this week will be the week to hear for all :pray: Good to see some engineering decisions coming through - good luck everyone :blush:

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I got excited for a minute when I saw our informed delivery for today, but it just looks like more promotional mailings!

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Ack! Just want this over and done with already, haha!

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Hoping very soon :crossed_fingers: It seems like arts / performing arts/ engineering technologies schools have started releasing. I got excited about the engineering release, but remembered that there are two separate colleges - engineering and engineering technologies. We are waiting for Mech Engineering. I hope that with an acceptance they provide the info on merit and/or FASFA offers.

Son accepted yesterday in Electrical Engineering/Audio. No details about merit - he just said he got accepted and forwarded the RIT email saying that his portal had been updated… :joy:


Son was accepted yesterday for Medical Illustration - but isn’t so much interested in that anymore and would likely switch to another major in the school of design. His interest has shifted towards more of a digital design focus. He received an $18,000 scholarship, bringing down his cost to equal with his other top choice, SCAD.

He was also accepted to Pratt, Penn State, Iowa State, SCAD, Wentworth and VCUArts so it’s been tough to narrow it down. But he’s between SCAD and RIT at this moment. We are going back to see RIT on Monday. We saw it about a year ago but he wants a refreshed view of the campus.
SCAD and RIT are so different, you’d think the decision would be easy - but it’s not! Personally, I’d prefer RIT because I think it will benefit him to be with other students not involved in the arts. But we shall see!

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Are you sure there wasn’t merit there? It wasn’t obvious where the merit letter was. It was a small link at the bottom after the acceptance letter.


For us merit was in an attachment. You had to scroll all the way down to the bottom on the acceptance page to click it to see the merit letter. Need based aid was sent about a week later (was added to the portal).