Roll Tide Christmas!

<p>Just for fun!!! My husband would kill me if we did this!!
[Roll</a> Tide! - YouTube](<a href=“]Roll”></p>

<p>Nothing says Roll Tide like 30,000 christmas lights!</p>

<p>Richardson Family Christmas Lights in Alabaster, Alabama. 30,000 lights controllled by 176 channels of Light-o-Rama hardware. Music is broadcast over 88.3FM.</p>

<p>OH SOOOOOO doing this next year!!! Especially here in the land of them darn aggies. I’m sure I will have a few neighbors steaming :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Had the neighborhood HOA Christmas Progressive Dinner this past weekend and dessert was at our house. Complete w/ a UA flag flying as you walk up to the front porch and UA dining room w/ crimson walls, white Christmas tree w/ Bama ornaments, houndstooth table runner, placemats, napkins and tree skirt around the tree. Of course one of the aggies in attendance, went, “Phew, we Rolled right over ya’ll”. I just smiled politely and bid him on his way right out the front door :)</p>

<p>Wow, just wow! </p>

<p>I bought a flag to hang on January 7th but if I went as far as some of y’all do my husband would send me to talk to Malanai. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Considering Malanai’s location I am willing to go for evaluation at any time !!</p>

<p>Y’all are welcome any time. No evaluation required. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide and Happy Holidays to all.</p>

<p>I haven’t strung an exterior X-Mas light in my almost 41 years on this earth, but I think I just found my motivation! ROLL TIDE YA’LL!!!</p>

<p>Best use of lights I have ever seen.</p>