As a current student at Rollins, I hope I can help answer some of your questions about Rollins. As you mentioned in one of your posts, Rollins is ranked #1 in the South, which is a reflection of our academic programs, national and international initiatives, well-qualified teachers, campus programming, community involvement, etc.
When I was applying to colleges, I also considered New College. However, once I step foot on Rollins campus, I knew it was the place I needed to be. As valedictorian of my class, I was looking for an institution that would equip me with the resources to be successful post-graduation. Now, as I am in the process of applying for graduate schools, I know I made the right choice.
Here are some facts about Rollins that you may or may not have known previously:
- Rollins has a prestigious Student-Faculty Collaborative Research program, which provides students with the opportunity to participate in high-level scholarly researchresearch that is typically only available at the graduate-school level. Each year, a select number of students (many of whom are biology, physics, or chemistry majors) spend their summers working side by side with their professors doing graduate-level research.
- In October 2009, the Fulbright Program announced that Rollins is currently recognized as the number one top producing masters institution in the nation (based on Carnegie Classification).
- The Office of Academic Internships hooks students up with awesome internships that help boost ones academic and profession resume. If you get a chance, check out this article about a pre-med shadowing internship students completed over the summer: [Summer</a> Shadowing at Florida Hospital](<a href=“http://www.rollins.edu/news/2010/09/florida-hospital.html]Summer”>http://www.rollins.edu/news/2010/09/florida-hospital.html)</p>
<p>As far as financial aid goes, Rollins provides merit and need-based financial aid. Trust me, I know from personal experience!</p>
<p>Also, I would like to disagree with the persons comment about Rollins being a school for rich kids who don’t want to work too hard. In every undergraduate institution, you will find students who are well-off and/or who dont want to roll up their sleeves and get the most out of their education. This is true in society as a whole. Not every person is going to have the same view towards higher education as you do, and you will find that to be true no matter where you go. However, from my experience at Rollins, I can tell you that you will definitely be surrounded by students who are motivated to learn, willing to expand their academic and cultural horizons, and eager to have an impact on the world. </p>
<p>One great thing about the Rollins community is that everyone is passionate. Professors are passionate about teaching. Students are passionate about learning and doing well, and staff members are passionate about helping students achieve their best both during and after college. Every aspect of Rollins life is designed to help students be successful in their academic, social, and professional lives. Rollins will give you the tools to success, but its up to you to embrace these tools and use them for your own personal success.
Please dont hesitate to ask me anything else about Rollins. Ive been a student for 3.5 years, and I LOVE it!</p>