Romani Jr is on the way

Hcg levels from yesterday: 2768. Still doubling a little less than every 2 days so things still looking positive.

First prenatal appointment with MFM and viability scan are both on Sept 9. Probably no updates until then.

Stay well!

How are you feeling? Between the pregnancy and altering your meds, you have a lot going on at once.

I’m doing OK. My energy level is coming back a bit now that I’m adjusting to significantly less caffeine. (I was an addict. Still am but I’m finally done with withdrawals for the most part I think.)

The lack of pain meds has been a trip. I wasn’t on opioids or anything so there was no withdrawals but I forgot how painful lupus and RA were without any kind of pain meds (other than Tylenol).

The nausea has started but luckily it is just killing my appetite rather than making me sick (for now…). Eating has been a struggle though.

Nausea is supposed to be a good sign. At least that’s what I kept telling myself while I had my “all day” sickness ; )

I didn’t consider the pain you would have. So sorry to hear that. I know you realize it’s worth it, but still.

It’s really not that bad since I mostly work from home and Mr R is incredible.

Also it sounds weird but I’m pretty sure my dog knows and knew before I did. She’s been very protective these last few weeks and has started laying with her head on my belly - which is unusual for her. She’s always been protective but she’s even moreso now.

That’s so sweet. :heart:

Just wondering if topical some topical things may be helpful in minimizing pain while not harming baby. That may be something to inquire about with your great pre-natal team. I’m sure they’ve had other patients with conditions that benefit from pain minimization. Maybe hypnosis, meditation, accupressure and other integrative therapies as well? Just trying to think outside the box.

So glad baby and you are doing well and your dear dog is being protective!

@himom I’m going in for a massage tomorrow and what I can use for pain treatments is number 1 on my list to ask my MFM. I’m open to alternative pain treatments because I know this isn’t going to get any better as the pregnancy goes on lol.

Do not forget the old but tried and true–Put a seltzer or 7-up next to your bed so that it is flat in the morning along with popcorn so it is stale. Eat and drink without lifting your head. Wait about 30 minutes then get up. :slight_smile:
My “sickness” was for too too long and hit at midnight.

Oh wow! Just saw your news! Sending good vibes to you!

Just saw the news! So happy for you and Mr. R.

I just saw, too! Yay!! I will be thinking of you guys. :slight_smile:

Thank you all! I’m not sure if I should start a new thread or just continue this. It feels weird to start a new thread about this but the title here is super misleading now lol.

@MaineLonghorn any chance I could beg my way to getting a thread title change? ?

Also I’m getting ready to travel quite extensively in September. New Orleans next week, across the state middle of September, and Disneyworld and Orlando Studios at the end of Sept. I’m kind of nervous but at least I’m traveling with/to people each time but I’m still nervous.

@romanigypsyeyes, I was wondering about that! What would you like it to be?

Oh my goddess @MaineLonghorn @romanigypsyeyes I thought ML meant what would you like your offspring to be! I completely forgot about the conventional boy-or-girl question people sometimes ask and went right to “a baby?” :slight_smile:

@HouseChatte I fully intend on answering that with a smart aleck answer like “Human, hopefully. But a panda would be really cool too!”
(We’re not learning sex before birth.)

@MaineLonghorn umm… Romani’s pregnancy journey? I don’t know. That sounds weird.
Here comes Romani Jr?
Good news! Romani Jr is on the way
Pick the least awkward? lol

Well, I hope your baby panda has better reading comprehension than I do!!

Thank you so much, @MaineLonghorn !!!

To anyone newly coming after the title change, the spark notes version:
-Was going through infertility treatments. Was feeling very depressed.
-On cycle round two, it worked!
-I’m only 6 weeks along so VERY early but my due date is 4/20/20 (yes, I snicker every time I say it).
-Blood tests look good so far.
-First appointment with MFM (high risk obgyn) and viability scan is on 9/9.