My son will be in a double with a/c in Friley Knapp.
Does anyone know how we can find the room dimensions in order to choose an area rug?
@iamgriffinsmom and any other incoming freshmen/parents, what dorm did you get?
Any other past or present Friley residents willing to share input on the dorm? Thanks!
Here is a link to room dimensions if you know the room number.
Thanks @CheddarcheeseMN For some reason the room size field is left blank. It gives a range of window sizes and ceiling heights, but I can’t seem to find actual room dimensions…
Your son got my son’s top pick!
My son ended up in a double in Helser! Even without A/C, he’s pretty excited!
They will actually be nearby!
It was my son’s top pick as well. He had an Aug 20th priority date, so he was pretty hopeful he would get it.
I think A/C will only be an issue in the fall. They are done super early in the spring.
Did your son do a roommate match or random?
My son didn’t commit until November, so I’m not surprised he didn’t get his top pick. He doesn’t seem too concerned about the A/C. At least he’s in the desired area! And he just got a random roommate. His roommate is from Illinois, but they haven’t connected yet. How about your son?
I think that’s a great area! Close to classes, Memorial Union and Campustown.
My son found a roommate on the FB page. He is also from Illinois
They have not had much contact since they decided to room together, but snapchatted briefly today.
Congrats to both of you and your sons! As I think I’ve shared, my son just finished up his freshman year nearby in Martin Hall. It’s a great location, particularly for engineering majors. He is returning next year to Martin Hall, one floor up.
@Beaudreau Always nice to hear from you
Glad your son had a great first year and enjoyed his dorm and the UD neighborhood!
@Beaudreau Congrats to your son on a great first year!
@uwalummom @iamgriffinsmom - Thanks. This is my third son in college and all are studying engineering. One piece of advice - All three of my sons did very well their first semesters, including Dean’s List. Ali three slumped second semester. I think they all relaxed a bit second semester, thinking they had College all figured out. So keep the spurs on.
Thanks for the advice @Beaudreau I will be sure to mention that to my son, too. He actually already asked me if grades really mattered in college. Um, yes they do!
Also the parent of an engineering Freshman, but as he committed in March, he didn’t get any of his top 5 dorm picks! He’ll be in Roberts, one of the All-Male dorms near the Union, but that’s A-OK. Just a longer trek to class. Almost everyone on his floor is also in engineering! Must be all the school decision procrastinators.
@iamgriffinsmom and @mezzian and any other incoming freshmen/parents
Have you all started dorm shopping yet? DS and his roommate have not been in touch lately, so they haven’t decided who is bringing what. It’s about that time…I don’t want to try to find stuff in the beginning of August!
We have not started shopping yet. We had orientation last week and were able to tour one of the rooms in Helser, which was great to help plan. But DS’s roommate has not replied to the email he sent, so we still don’t know who’s bringing what! Hopefully, he’ll hear from him soon.
We were at orientation last week, too! 6/20-6/21
Does your DS like his schedule? Mine is happy with his. I wouldn’t have minded if he took another class, but his advisor told him to stick with 13-15 credits for first semester (he has 14).
Have you started looking at books yet? The straight from the bookstore option looks so simple, but I think we will try and shop around for what we can.
We were there the 22-23. My son was happy with his classes (he only has a 9 o’clock class one day a week, so he can sleep in the rest of the time)! He’s not looking forward to Chemistry, but I’m sure he’ll be fine! We did pre-order his books, which was easy and not terribly expensive.