Room supplies - vacuum, iron, waste can..?

<p>Sorry for the basic questions. I did search the site and found stuff from 2007 and 2010, so not sure if it is current for 2011-12. </p>

<li>Is there a vacuum cleaner available that my D can borrow from time to time?</li>
<li>Is there an iron/ironing board available? - not that she'd ever actually iron anything ;-)</li>
<li>Is there a trash can in the room, or is that a student supplied item?</li>
<li>In all of the room photos I have seen, I haven't noticed any suitcases tucked away in the corner of closets - she'll have 2 large suitcases (nested) to use for trips home. Do the dorms offer any kind of mass storage for empty suitcases, or do the students just stash them where they can in the room? Hate to lose the space.</li>


<li>Vacuum can be checked out at the front desk.</li>
<li>People bring their own irons/boards.</li>
<li>Yes, each student has a trash can that comes in the room.</li>
<li>No extra storage for suitcases, but usually they will fit in the closet or under the bed.</li>

<p>Does the vacuum cost money when u check it out? Or is it “free” like laundry?</p>

<p>“included” like laundry. Just go to the front desk and ask the RA on duty.</p>

<p>In place of a vacuum, I highly recommend a Swiffer. The floors are not carpeted, so it’s really easy to clean up with a wet or dry cloth.</p>