Room Transfer

<p>I live in Lakeside but I want to transfer to a room closer to the other side of campus, as most of my classes are there and they are in the morning. I wouldn't mind living here if i had afternoon classes but as personal preference id rather take morning classes. I am specifically looking for rooms in jennings as that would be the perfect location. I have a single, but i will trade for a double. Please let me know if you are interested, the sooner the better. I really like the Lakeside dorms, they are indeed the nicest ones on campus, however my schedule is really demanding and i feel like it will get more demanding as i go further into engineering. Please let me know if you would like to do this trade, i am pretty sure that since the dorm is pre-paid per semester, there will be no costs involved. I live in building 4 and would gladly show you a tour of the apartment. So if you would like to live in a single, and you currently reside in jennings please let me know. Thanks.</p>