Roommate advice

<p>My son is currently considering a few roommate options and I would loved to hear everyone's perspective on this. He understands that choosing someone that is compatible regarding lifestyle habits (cleanliness/messy, study habits, sleeping habits, music tastes etc) is important.
Do you think its also important to have similar interests/major. At some point I suppose if you are too alike in interests then the friendship can become tedious and it may be better to room with someone in a completely different area of study and interests etc. On the other hand if you are both taking calc and org. chem together that can be of great help.

<p>DS went with a roommate who is the same major and has similar interests. It has worked out very well for them. They will room together next year too. They have never had a class together- only a lab. They went through their first election together, they hosted debate watching parties in their room together, and they shot hoops together! I can only speak from his experience. The dorm floor will provide ALOT of diverse interests too!</p>

<p>Do you know which date is last date to search roommate ?</p>

<p>I think it is June sometime.</p>

<p>D’s roommate had a completely different major (communications vs accounting) and very different interests. They met on facebook and decided to room together based on common lifestyle habits. 4 years later, and graduation looming (!) they have remained roommates and close friends!</p>