<p>The title is self explanatory.</p>
<p>The title is self explanatory.</p>
<p>yes </p>
<p>10 char.</p>
<p>I wouldnt, since that was the last year’s exact topic, and it wont be that fresh or original.</p>
<p>Write it in a way that works best for you.</p>
<p>I did not write it as a letter to my roommate. We shall see how that works out for me.</p>
<p>I didn’t write it as a letter, more like a conversation.</p>
<p>i’m just asking this because the instructions are kinda vague, especially when compared to previous years’ roommate prompt.</p>
<p>I wrote it as a letter and got in. I even made it really informal (I started out with “Hey Roomie”)</p>
<p>Really, everyone who has questions on the roommate essay, just search the forum. It’s been discussed to death.</p>
<p>And yes, you can.</p>