Roommate Essay!

<p>What approach are you guys taking for the roommate essay? Mine is basically just a laundry list of what I like and don't like. What I enjoy doing and don't enjoy doing. It's also pretty informal. What approach are you guys taking? Are you using one single anecdote that conveys something about your personality or what? Are you making it formal? Ah, someone, anyone?!?!</p>

<p>I used a single anecdote, but most people write more listy things. Very informal, but not the the extent of using text speech! (which I anyway don’t use)</p>

<p>I’m currently a student at Stanford and a tourguide on campus. Some of our training for the job includes talking to admissions officers about the questions on the app. In general with all the open essay questions, there is really no one type of answer they are “looking for,” per say. The essay questions give you the opportunity to show off your personality. If to you that means a laundry list of things you do and don’t like, that’s fine! And it says something about you. </p>

<p>In particular with the roommate essay, it’s a chance to write more informally, if that’s something you’re comfortable with. It’s a great question because it gives you the chance to talk more candidly about your interests. Other students choose to talk about just one or two events in their life, or something interesting about their personality…etc.</p>

<p>The bottom line is: It’s UP TO YOU about how you choose to use this question to convey to the admissions office something (anything!) about yourself. No answer is the wrong answer.</p>

<p>Hmm, okay, thank you! I’m done with mine, I’m just not sure if it’s effective. Maybe that’s because I wrote it? I don’t know, I just feel very…blas</p>