Roommate messaging?

My daughter sent a message to her roommate over a week ago and has not received a response. But she can’t find anywhere on the housing information site where she can retrieve a message and figured the response would be routed to her Cornell e-mail. Just checking to see if that is correct or if there is something she is missing.

When I messaged my roommates, it went to my Cornell email (however, my mail also is redirected to my personal email so that is actually where I retrieved it from). Her roommate may just not be checking her email.

In this age of social media I know my son and his quad mates have just friended each other on FB and are communicating via PM that way…

Sometimes other students are traveling or someplace without much access. Or they never check their email (that is for us old people). Don’t let her read too much into it. I agree she should see if she can find her on Facebook.

Thank you @beachykeen, that is what we needed to know. She’s not as concerned about the lack of response from her roommate as she is about maybe she wasn’t looking for it in the right place and missed the response.