<p>OP, I’d also suggest printing out a copy of this discussion to bring with you to any discussions with authority figures, since it’s date-tagged.</p>
<p>And I wouldn’t wait to make the appointment with the dean of students now, and not wait until you’ve spoken to everyone possible. It is perfectly reasonable for you to go to the dean and ask that office to help you with resolution, since you’ve been unable to make much progress on your own. At this stage, you should not be expected to go to talk to someone and then come back to the dean’s office. The dean’s office should be doing the follow-up work.</p>
Youa re coming up on exams time, There is absolutely no excuse for your roommate’s behavior or for the RA’s or school’s lack of assistance in intervening in this situation. Furthermore, given what you shared in post # 47, are you aware that chronic sleep deprivation can trigger/aggravate/cause psychotic symptoms? Please run, do not walk, to the highest staff person possible (Dean of Students, Dean of Housing, etc) to address this situation.Now.</p>