
We put down the Housing deposit earlier this week, but we are still waiting to see how affordable other schools will be, probably won’t know until January. Planning on Honors Housing. How much more difficult will it be to find roommates in January, compared to now? What about later than that? I have read here that for boys no big deal to wait, but what about for girls?

Well, I don’t think the boys care all that much, so some of them don’t even try. :slight_smile:

I was more concerned for my son than he was due to him being so far away and only coming home for major holidays.

He found one match on the UA housing site. Never spoke, no communication until he met him on move in day. Basically, DS just went in and selected a room with 2 open spots, none going Greek. Those kids tend to be very busy in the beginning and often aren’t around a lot. I didn’t like that DS, being very far from home, might be in a situation where he might be alone due to roommates being gone in those early days.

The girls seem to obsess more over roommates, but they can do the roommate matching, join a FB page, or just go solo. Only advice there is pick a suite w/ 2 open spots so not to have a 3 against one scenario.

It does tend to work out.

A lot of students (both male and female) are too busy with their senior years to start seriously searching for roommates before Jan 1. I really wouldn’t worry about it too much this fall. That said, it surely doesn’t hurt at all to go ahead and complete the “profile” on the UA Housing site (messiness scale, what kinds of music do you like, etc.). Nothing is really “locked down” (as far as roommate matching) until late April, just before room selection begins. Good luck!

My D is in the same boat. She is 90% certain that she is going to be at UA but would not want to choose a roommate and then not attend. She will in honors dorms and put it in the first day housing opened so she doesn’t think she will have a problem finding some girls. She thinks there are many other honors girls who may have other schools that they are “reaching” for that will not want to officially link up so early. She did not complete her profile with much information yet – she will fill in more info once she is certain of UA.