Ross and UM-cutthroat?

<p>Are Ross and the rest of UM cutthroat? I know Ross is very competitive, but how cutthroat is it? I've heard a few stories about the cutthroat atmosphere-is this accurate?</p>

<p>out of the several classes I have taken to fulfill my requirements, i do not thnk it’s cut-throat until you are close to the top. It is very easy and doesnt require much work to be in the A- range because of the generous curve… the “cutthroat” competition comes in when you are approaching A and A+ range because it’s basically a group of very competitive kids at the top… </p>

<p>Even though people are more ambitious and career oriented, it is still very “state school mentality”… I find my high school (where everyone except for the dumb billionaire legacies is extremely ambitious) more cut-throat than even Ross here, and definitely Michigan in general… I think being a state school has something to do with it… It is one of the biggest thing I do not like about Michigan in general…except for the selective few, most people are not ambitious and career focuses and would settle for the stars instead of landing on the moon per se… I am the type that believes competition brings up the best of us</p>

<p>Yeah for someone like bearcats, Michigan will not seem very competitive or cutthroat because of the caliber of his high school education. I mean even students who go to good public schools in Michigan generally will be successful in LSA. However, most people will consider Ross, Upper Level Engineering, and the hard sciences (Orgo II, Biochem) in LSA the most competitive “parts” of Michigan. While not incredibly cutthroat, if you’re not smart, you’ll get destroyed grade wise. I have noticed that while it is easier to get into Michigan as a valedictorian or salutatorian of a “rural/less competitive high school,” it really hurts you when you get into Michigan and start taking classes. The majority of people that I notice who are successful in obtaining good grades, came from top private schools (Hotchkiss, Exeter, Andover, etc. will dominate or do well GPA wise) or even good in-state public high schools (Troy, International Academy, Groves, EGR, Seaholm, Okemos, Forest Hills, West Bloomfield) because they are already used to the competitive nature and greater workload. Therefore, Michigan’s difficulty and workload doesn’t seem to be as much of a transition for them as compared to someone from Detroit Public Schools or middle-of-nowhere high schools where the valedictorian had a 26 ACT and a 4.0</p>

<p>What is the average GPA of Ross students?</p>

Very well said.</p>

<p>So much depends on the background and readyness of the student. A 4.0 student at one high school can be very different from a 4.0 student at another high school.</p>

<p>gonna disagree with bearcats on this one. even among the very top, ross still isnt that competitive/cut-throat, even compared to other business schools of the same calibre (say, stern for example). </p>

<p>also, average gpa of ross is ~3.4.</p>

<p>well I agree, but it’s also all relative. I do have to say I did have to push to get an A in ACCT 271… while the other ones are much easier to get an A.</p>

<p>3.4 at ross is by default equivalent to 3.3 anywhere else. B+ is 3.4 at ross while 3.3 everywhere else. The equivalent value is probably even lower if you consider the fact that A+ is an 4.4 at ross, so the gpa is pretty inflated, which I think helps lower the competitiveness and prevent the cut-throat situation at stern… i heard horrible stories about stern</p>

<p>do tell about the stern atrocities.</p>