Ross Class of 2024 Decisions

We are from CT. What states are you from? @icecream70 @kyannwy

Anyone hear from Ross today?


@icecream70 best of luck. Do you mind me asking what state you are from?

St Louis, Mo. You?


@KW2020 There is a girl from CO also on the Ross Waitlist on Reddit.

Question for everyone: I will be applying to UM next year. I would love to go to Ross, but would be very happy with LS&A as well. When you did your "why do you want to go to UM essay?, did you focus on Ross only in that essay? I’m worried that if I just focus on Ross, UM will be less inclined to admit me to LS&A if I don’t get into Ross. Thanks.

@Kolesar99 You are supposed to focus solely on the college you are intending to enroll in, which would be Ross. I focused my 100% on Ross.

Anyone on the Ross waitlist hear back?

Denied today. Looks like math or Econ. At least will get to have some flexibility in classes.

You can apply for a Ross Minor.
