ROTC vs West Point conflict?

My Grandson is awaiting word from West Point. In case he is not accepted he is making inquiries about ROTC. He was interviewed by an ROTC officer who told him that if he applies to ROTC he can kiss his chances for West Point goodbye since ROTC discusses applicants with USMA.

This sounds very fishy to me. Of course you can’t get anyone to discuss appointments at USMA and this possible conflict.

I think it may be another ploy on the part of ROTC to fill their roles. Anyone heard anything about this or experienced it?

This is totally not true. My DS was awarded an ROTC Scholarship first and then was appointed to USMA after that.

I’m in the USMA field force. I have never heard of any kind of conflict like this. If anything we encourage USMA applicants to consider ROTC as well