route to becoming a nurse

<p>hey everyone.
im starting college next year and i dont know where i want to go yet but i was just wondering if i need to go to a college that has nursing program or can i take a normal college route and major in anything and then go to nursing school.</p>

<p>It would be best to go to a college that has a (direct entry) nursing program because if you don’t, admissions will be much more competitive! And if you major in something other than nursing, then you’ll probably have a lot of prerequisites to fulfill before a nursing program will accept you.</p>

<p>If you are sure that you want to be a nurse I would recommend that you apply only to direct entry programs. If you are unsure whether or not a college nursing program is direct entry or limited access, ask. Being accepted into a direct entry program secures you a seat in their nursing program which most often begins nursing courses sophomore year. Bear in mind if you have a poor gpa your freshman year of college you could loose your spot in a direct entry program as there are requirements to maintain your placement throughout your four years.</p>

<p>It is my opinion that a limited access program is good for those who are unsure whether they want to be a nurse but think they want to go in that direction. The risk is that if you decide by sophomore year that nursing is for you and you apply then into the program there is a chance that you will not be accepted. It’s been said by those with in the schools that just because one goes to the college/university already doesn’t secure placement in a nursing program at the school. </p>

<p>Also, if you know you want nursing, comfortable with your current gpa and extracurricular activities, etc. apply early action (not be confused with early decision) which is a requirement by many direct entry nursing programs. This major is a highly competitive, small size student body program most often due to small, specialized faculty. Do your homework and don’t be afraid to ask questions. </p>

<p>Good luck and have fun.</p>