I'm confused as to how exactly I could go about becoming a nurse??

<p>Sorry I am really new to this (forums in general and researching college.. I'm a slacker and it's ruining me). I'm a senior in high school so... this is close to last minute..
OK SO I've researched a little bit on how to become a nurse and getting a BSN degree is apparently the most common requirement for people who hire nurses. But my problem is looking up colleges and figuring out how to get that dang degree. For example, my match college is Stony Brook but their website says "The nursing curriculum, concentrated in the upper division years, leads to the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Nursing. Applicants to the Two Year Basic Baccalaureate Program are required to meet the following admission criteria: 57 college credits (see the required courses listed below) " Does this mean that I can only do the nursing program in my 3rd and 4th year of college and that I have to set up my own schedule so I could specifically apply to this program?
My reach colleges are UPenn and Northeastern and even with my safeties I am totally lost on how to navigate their website and who offers what degree with their BS RN ACN ADN whatevers.. help me..please..</p>

<p>Hi @chelll yes, it can be VERY confusing.</p>

<p>Here is a very brief summary:</p>

<p>Take a quick look at page 12 of this Master List of Colleges with a "Direct AD\dmit/ Direct Entry " Nursing Program.
<a href=“Master list of Direct Entry Nursing Programs: - Nursing Major - College Confidential Forums”>Master list of Direct Entry Nursing Programs: - Nursing Major - College Confidential Forums;
It is not a complete list but will give you a general idea.
Some colleges are easier to get into & some are more competitive.</p>

<p>Direct Admit Nursing Program = That’s the way to go.
You are accepted into a nursing major ( BSN ). Less stressful.
We only applied to colleges with direct admit/ direct entry program last year.</p>

<p>Pre-Nursing / 2+ 2 = When you see the colleges that said " you will take all the prereqs in your 1st two years & have to formally apply to the nursing program later, that means those colleges do not have this " direct admit " program.
To me it is a lot more stressful. Lots of applicants, very few spots. </p>

<p>Happy to answer any more questions you may have.</p>

<p>I would try to get your applications in as soon as possible. There are some BSN programs that are already close to full for next year.</p>

I only applied to direct admit programs as well, so I definitely recommend looking into those. Stony Brook is a good school and I know for a fact because its nationally ranked somewhere in top 100 and my cousin just graduated from there. Of course, he was a math major lol. It’s not direct admit though, so be careful about that. There’s usually a test or some other requirements at the end of sophomore year to get into nursing junior & senior year. If you don’t qualify, you have to change majors.

Anyways, for nursing you want a BSN degree. It’s what job recruiters want nowadays and that will take 4 years. If you haven’t done this stuff yet, you should…

  1. Decide which schools you’re applying to
  2. Add them on the Common App. Some schools don’t use the Common App though, so you’ll have to apply to them through the school’s website. Keep the deadlines in mind… you will have to apply Regular Decision to most schools because most Early Action deadlines have passed.
  3. Fill out the Common App questions
  4. Write your essay and submit it on the Common App
  5. Get your guidance office to send your transcript
  6. Get your guidance counselor and a teacher (or more than 1 teacher because some schools want more) to write you a recommendation letter. They have to submit it through Naviance (or whatever program your school uses)
  7. For schools that don’t accept the Common App, you may need to write an essay on another topic. That essay needs to be sent through the mail usually.
  8. Look on Naviance & the Common App to make sure you submitted everything & then wait for decisions to come :slight_smile:

I’m assuming you’ve already applied to some places but if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!! I finished applying everywhere so I can help :slight_smile: