<p>Should one attend Roxbury Latin or Belmont Hill if fortunate enough to get accepted at both? I have heard that almost all RL accepted students chose to attend it. But Belmont Hill seems to be such a good school too, and facilities seem to be better than RL. How strong is the rivalry between them? Thanks!</p>
<p>ROXBURY !!! </p>
<p>Here is why:</p>
<p>Old roxbury boys founded Harvard Medical School, Yale University and a bunch of other major institutions.</p>
<p>Roxbury has the highest SAT scores in the country</p>
<p>Roxbury matriculates 15% of its class to Harvard and 50 % to ivies. (ivy matric rates do not mean much but when you have 15% matriculating to Harvard that does mean something - it illustrates an endearing relationship between the two schools).</p>
<p>Roxbury (Unlike Exeter at Middle Essex) remains a true feeder school to Harvard.
Roxbury is steeped in tradition and history.</p>
<p>Roxbury is to DIE for its like early admission to Harvard. You should be very proud of your son.</p>
<p>He better make sure he learn “Ten thousand men of Harvard” quick though ! Its only 8 lines he will get the hang of it soon enough plus it has a real catchy tune.</p>
<p>Where is this school and how come its never mentioned on the board?</p>
<p>GREAT alumni list. too bad it’s not a boarding school and it’s all boys :(</p>
<p>Because people are obsessed with names and prestige (ie. A/E) instead of actual educational prowess. That is not to say that A/E are not great schools but it seems that by over exposure other great (and arguably better) schools are overlooked. </p>
<p>Ha ha, no, its actually its probably because Roxbury Latin is a day school in Boston and its all boys.</p>
<p>Its average ssat score is 2230, </p>
<p>It was founded in 1645 by King Charles I (the king who got his head chopped off)</p>
<p>It is very selective and very low key. They dont need the name recognition of A/E because the people that matter know who they are and that is all that matters. </p>
<p>My dad worked in the Harvard admissions office, a Roxbury Latin applicant is taken VERY seriously there.</p>
<p>Alrite I got my answer…its a day school.</p>
<p>Both of those schools are wonderful but they’re Boston-area day schools and Roxbury’s all-boys (although Winsor is all-girls and kind of like a sister school). That’s why they’re usually not mentioned here, not too relevant unless you live there.</p>
I was accepted into both RL and BH and now attend RL, and I’ve never regretted my decision. And while my opinion is anything but objective, I don’t see how another school could offer a finer education than RL, at least for me. The faculty there are just so dedicated to your success, and there is an incredibly strong sense of community. And as other posters have noted, the success of it’s students and alumni is impressive.</p>
<p>You’re right when you say that almost all students who are accepted to RL choose to attend. I know the year I was accepted the seventh grade yield was 100%, and the overall yield is usually above 90%.</p>
<p>As far as it’s campus, I think it’s nicer than it gets credit for. I think most schools try to show off their facilities for perspective families, which you can see at Belmont Hill with their big, noticeable sports complex that really sticks out. On the other hand Roxbury Latin intentionally tries to give it’s campus a smaller and quaint feel, so it’s facilities aren’t as clearly displayed. That being said, because RL is a small school it doesn’t offer quite as many sports or activities as other schools (although the number is growing), and therefore there are some facilities that RL just does not have, for example squash courts. But it’s campus provides everything that it needs to provide for the school (with the exception of a hockey rink, it uses one at Dexter, about a five minute drive).</p>
<p>Roxbury Latin and Belmont Hill are each other’s biggest rivals.</p>
<p>As far as Roxbury Latin’s relationship with Harvard, I think it is often overblown. As prezomar pointed out, RL sends plenty of students to all ivy leagues and other top tier schools. I’ve heard alot of people say things like RL is full of Harvard legacies, or that RL tries to steer it’s kids to Harvard, or that a RL education is a key into the yard, none of which is true. At least in my opinion the reason so many kids go to Havard from RL is that the two schools are similar. They’re both prestigious-tradition based schools in Boston known primarily for their academic excellence. I do believe Harvard takes a roxbury latin grad seriously, but I think every other college does too, because RL is a top-tier school. Does Harvard look a little more favorably upon RL students, maybe. But everyone I know at roxbury latin, including myself, is there for the great education, not a Harvard acceptance letter. And I’ve never felt a Harvard presence at the school, never had faculty try to steer kids towards Harvard. In fact, in my experience, the opposite has been true, with college counselors and advisors trying to get kids to look beyond Harvard and ivy league schools and finding the right “fit”.</p>
<p>Hope this helps, PM me with any specific questions about RL.</p>
<p>Lol ya but when it comes to colleges its hard to look past ivy league if you can gain acceptance. Cuz frankly it just looks 10x better on a job application. </p>
<p>But ya, now I understand this Roxbury Latin thing.</p>
<p>Both are all-boy schools. I heard from people toured Belmont that it is beautiful but don’t know much about it. As for RL, no doubt a good school, but it is not as flexible as the Exeter/Andover . For example, if you are looking to start 9th grade math at Calculus, it won’t be an option ([Roxbury</a> Latin: School Life » Academics » Mathematics](<a href=“http://www.roxburylatin.org/school_life/math.aspx]Roxbury”>http://www.roxburylatin.org/school_life/math.aspx)).</p>
<p>^^^ Umm, no where on that link you gave us did it say that</p>
<p>Dear tots33,
You give a very good representation of RL and are obviously articulate. So, I hope you don’t mind me pointing out that the possessive of “it” is “its” (no apostrophe). I really don’t mean to insult or criticize you, but the mom in me just wants to contribute a little to the wonderful education you are getting.</p>
<p>Roxbury Latin has a very close relationship with Harvard University. A few years ago the president of Harvard would speak at Roxbury Latin & read over Harvard apps prior to submission.</p>
<p>prezomar, you have to read the table. Class VI is 7th grade.</p>
The link you provided shows the general math sequence for most kids at RL. However, it is not a requirement to take one of the math courses in your grade, there are a few kids in each class that move up into another grade’s math class. So, if a freshmen is willing and able to take Calculus, he is welcome to.</p>
<p>tots33, </p>
<p>We actually toured the school and was told it is difficult to go outside of the normal grade sequence (not only math, but languages also) and special case will have to be made in order for it to happen. We decided not to apply in the end. This is in no way putting down your school. I am just simply stating that, we did visit many schools and RL, though a good school, do not offer the wide range of courses the big schools can afford to.</p>
<p>Well, your right, RL doesn’t offer the range of courses that other schools do. But I just want to state that while only a couple of kids go outside their grade sequence in each class, it’s pretty consistent and not really that “special” in my mind. I’m not really sure why someone gave you that impression, but whatever.</p>
<p>Thank you very much for your reply. What you wrote are very much in agreement with what I have learned so far from other places - and I am very glad that discussions on RL seems to always bring out passionate, positive responses. RL should be very proud of itself! </p>
<p>Did you attend RL yourself or do you know someone who is/was there?</p>
<p>Interestingly, although I have occasionally encountered negative comments about Andover and Exeter (some kids lost in the shuffle or fell through cracks), I have yet to read anything negative about either Roxbury Latin or Belmont Hill from kids or parents who are/were associated with them.</p>
<p>It is great to hear about your dad’s association with Harvard admission and his view of RL applicants. Although it is not all about getting into Harvard when it comes to selection of secondary schools, it is good to know to what extent a school is regarded by Harvard.</p>
<p>Thank you,</p>
<p>I actually attend The Hotchkiss School, but I have great respect for RL because I went there for debate and made friends with a few people there. All of them were highly intelligent interesting people. </p>
<p>I think RL’s campus is beautiful, their academic record is superb, and the people there are very nice and welcoming.</p>