Rubin Triple

<p>I checked my current activity and it said I'll be paying for a Rubin Triple... I never wanted a triple.</p>

<p>Is there any way I can amend this?</p>

<p>thank you</p>

<p>depending on whether you're a guy/girl, i know there's a bunch of people on this forum who would do a bed for bed switch with you. you can check previous threads, and if the two of you agree, just contact the housing office, and they might be able to work something out.</p>

<p>are you a girl or guy?</p>

<p>lol, i'm a girl, but i'm afraid i can't be much help to you. i lived in a lct last year, and noticed there were a bunch of people here who wanted one but maybe didn't get one (see "housing results 2006)</p>

<p>i'm a male</p>

<p>i actually wanted the lct and didnt get one. maybe when school starts we can do what chicagojen suggested</p>

<p>my response from housing about my situation is that i should wait until my "official" housing statement in august... doesn't that jsut mean i'll have less time to make any changes?</p>