Rude essay???

<p>Okay I am applying regular admission and for the Why UC? essay I was thinking about writing in a format as if I was going to the school and why I liked going there. BUT I heard from somewhere that it was rude to assume that you get into the school when you are actually trying out. Do you think it will be sort of offensive?</p>

<p>I mean, yeah, that might be seen as a little presumptuous. This is one essay where I feel like it might be more to your benefit to not get creative- to really just lay out why you’d like to go, and how you’ve come to think that, so that your point gets across and you don’t risk seeming like a ******.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info I probably will go another route with the essay then. And hey I currently live in WA state, Seattle!</p>

<p>gracello- I know your a part of the PSAC and already go to UChicago, but I was one of those admitted EA students this year. I wrote what I thought was a pretty creative essay. My English teacher wouldn’t even grammar check it because he flat out said I should not sent it. But I sent it and was accepted. I could PM you my essay if you want to see what I mean. I was just posting here to let you know you can be creative with the Why Chicago essay as well.</p>

<p>I have no idea whether or not you should write your essay as if you were going to the school already. You could make it seem like a daydream or something of the sort, so they know you’re not making the assumption you are accepted. But do whatever works for you, that’s just a suggestion.</p>

<p>Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not telling people not to be creative- I think you should feel free to be as creative as you want with any of your essays, and let yourself shine through. I am merely warning the original poster on this specific mode of creativity, because I think (while indeed I may be wrong) that the OPs specific method of writing the essay from the perspective of already being admitted is likely to come off as presumptuous and slightly arrogant. It’s highly possible that they could pull that essay off well, but in my opinion I think it’s probable that it won’t have the intended effect.</p>

<p>I’m gonna agree with gracello here. Although you’re intentions are good, you may/will come off as arrogant and that’s probably the last thing you wanna come off as. Just tell them straight up why you wanna come here. What do we have to offer, how will you use it, etc. The longer essay leaves more than enough room for creativity and wit.</p>

<p>Gotcha. Like I said, I wasn’t sure about this topic. I was just meaning to say that if creativity isn’t outlawed in the Why Chicago essay. If you just list facts about the school that could backfire as well. I think the most important thing is to let yourself shine through, and always think of how you’d interpret the essay you want to send. If you think it’s arrogant, it probably is.</p>