RUE Program 2015

Am I the only one who applied to RUE for Fall of 2015?

Dying to hear back…Stats below:

Current GPA: 4.0 (16 credits completed at the college level, 24 given from AP exams in HS)
Age: 26
Race: African-American
Major: Economics
Income: Impoverished ~ 10-15K / year, living alone.

-Mentoring Sigma Beta Program
-Tutoring at MCCC
-Work as Computer Lab Supervisor
-Hospital Volunteer North Shore LIJ

Current Semester Courses (with projected grades):
CALC I Honors - A
Micro - A
Macro - A
Bus Stat I - A
Moral Philosophy - A
Intro to Computers (& Applications) - A

Do you guys think I have a shot?

19 credits* Sorry.

All in all, I will have 62 credits at the completion of this Spring 2015 semester, however only 38 credits will have been from college courses taken.

Bluelegacy how did you make out? I also applied!

@BluLegacy I was accepted off of the wait list. Did you get in? It would be nice to meet some of the other RUE.