<p>I’m hearing these rumors that overall the UC’s are harder to get in this year because they had to cut back on certain things with their limited budget because of the poor economic times right now in CA. My teacher today told me the CSU are cutting back on over 10,000 qualified applicants, most impacted are SLO,Fullerton,Pomona,Long Beach,and SD.</p>
<p>Is this true?Can anyone confirm this?I mean I wouldn’t be surprised but it just sucks because personally i already felt like I was on the “cusp” or the “bubble” on some these UC schools i’m applying to…and the chances just got slimmer for us (class of 09) even though I feel i’m adequately qualified =[</p>
<p>but apparently the UCs are asking for funds atm, and if their quota isn’t met, they will have to cut back admissions too (don’t quote me on that, but I’m pretty sure I read this)</p>
<p>UCs are probably going to be definite too. note that the website is already down, and it’s only the 24th. which verifies the previous prediction of tons more people applying to public universities due to the financial crisis.</p>