<p>I figured that since it's spring, and since it's a nice outdoor running season, (and because I just clocked in a sick mile), let's all say our best running times.</p>
<p>I ran a mile in 6:03 this morning, and once I ran the two mile in 12:44.
<p>If you're running sub-2:10, there's no reason for you to not be in the 4:40 range, darkruler. Unless, of course, you're running 52.x for the 400 and you're more of a speed guy.</p>
<p>I don't think I've ever run a timed mile. In fact, I don't think I've ever run an open 400. Ahh, the joys of being a long jumper.</p>
<p>Oh, I just went running, and I got a 1:37 mile... But I'm not even at my peak, so I'm aiming for about a 5 second mile by the end of the season =D</p>
<p>While I did run on a state championship cross-country team back in high school, I am totally convinced that my fastest mile came about more recently, after I had begun showing signs of arthritis, and when I was carrying about 40 more pounds on my frame, a 26 pound pack on my back and a M16A2 in my hands. The funniest thing (in retrospect) was that I soon learned that the biggest danger I faced at that time was self-inflicted cardiac arrest.</p>
While I did run on a state championship cross-country team back in high school, I am totally convinced that my fastest mile came about more recently, after I had begun showing signs of arthritis, and when I was carrying about 40 more pounds on my frame, a 26 pound pack on my back and a M16A2 in my hands.
When your life depends on it I'm sure you can get that extra "wind". ;)</p>
<p>Last year my best mile time was 5:04. I'm a senior now so I think I'll be under 5 minutes pretty soon. For two miles, only 11:45 (what a boring event), and 11:15 for steeplechase, my favorite event.</p>
<p>Damn, what school, if you don't mind my asking?</p>
<p>I'm lucky enough to be in a conference where I got to see a couple sub-4:00 milers last year at the conference meet (err, sub 3:42 1500m runners) and it was just ridiculous watching how easy they make it look.</p>