<p>Heyyy guys--</p>
<p>just curious about some rush details. I'm a sophomore, does that hurt my chances of getting in to a sorority if I decide to rush in the spring? </p>
<p>How much does it generally cost/semester? I've heard like $4000--is it that much if you aren't living in the house at the time? </p>
<p>being a sophomore doesnt hurt your chances…but some houses may have a “sophomore quota”. that wont mean that you automatically get cut because you a sophomore now though.</p>
<p>the general cost is determined by the size of teh pledge class. if you live in, the prices may range from the upper $3000 to the mid $4000…still cheaper than living ANYWHERE on or off campus (like in a north campus or west campus dorm or in collegetown). the dues are lower if you decide not to live in. the costs are different for each sorority, but at the beginning of rush (and during rush) you will be given these numbers.</p>
<p>So, i think i’m going to do it. I don’t have any friends who are rushing (any that would rush did last year)…will it be really awful? I know that you have a rush group to go through the rounds with…not sure how it all works.</p>