<p>I read online that Columbia does not want any score reports to be rushed. It is January 10th today and I want to send all my SAT score reports (and the SAT Subject Tests) out tomorrow. I am aware that not doing rushed-service will take my scores about 2 weeks to reach undraduate admissions. Will this be too late?</p>
<p>Also, should I do regular service with all my colleges, and not rushed? I heard that rushed means CB would send the score reports by mail and not doing rushed is actually better because the sending is done online....how true is this?</p>
<p>Oh, and when a college refuses to acknowledge score-choice (and wants to see all your SAT scores) do they also want to see all my SAT Subject Test scores or just my highest ones?</p>
<p>Thank you very, very, very much :)</p>