
<p>I’ve heard that Greek Life is much more intense down at UA as compared to other schools (I’m from up North). I had a bit of a rough first year, with my grandfather passing and my aunt getting cancer and my grades do reflect that. Because of this, credit wise I’m either a second semester freshman or a sophomore. Will this affect my chances of getting a bid? And also, are recommendations required?</p>

<p>are you at ua now? yes, you need recs.</p>

<p>Nope! I’m a transfer for Fall 2012. So should I get one from each sorority? Because there are some that I’ve never heard of up here. And I don’t think I know anyone from each sorority.</p>

<p>i am not the expert here, but you probably need two for each. you need to find someone well connected with sorority people to help you.</p>

<p>Although I believe recs are not technically required, you will be out of the running if you not have basically at least two recs to each. A helpful site is Greekchat, where there is an entire community of people who live and breathe rushing.</p>

<p>-------------------------------------------If it is to be, it is up to me…</p>

<p>You definitely need at least 1 and preferably 2 res for each house at Alabama. Your GPA will be a big deal. Panhellenic strongly suggests that you have a 3.0 in order to have a successful recruitment. As far as getting recs go do you have a Panhellenic Association where you live? Are you by a major city? Often times large cities have a very active Panhellenic Alum group. Reach out to them and explain your situation, they should be able to help. The first thing you need to do is put together a resume to give to the women who will be writing your recs. You will also need two pics , one head shot and one full body to attach to your resume. You take the resume and pics as well as an addressed, stamped envelope for each sorority at Alabama and a thank you note to the woman writing your rec and put them into a manila envelope. This is referred to as a rec packet. Each woman who writes a rec for you will receive one of these. If you want pm me and I will help you with the process.</p>

<p>Even though a 3.0 - and less - is listed on the UA Panhellenic Web site as a minimum for pledging, many groups actually have higher minimums. They may keep the lower grade listing to pledge important legacies, or women with extraordinary activities etc. Ask your high school teachers if they were in a sorority. Your parents’ friends…and your friends’ parents. If you have friends who pledged a sorority last year, ask who wrote their recommendation. Once you find a sorority member willing to write you a recommendation, ask if they know women in other sororities.
Of course, if you are a male…that’s a whole other thing!</p>

<p>Thanks! I will definitely do that! :)</p>