Rutgers' Future

<p>President McCormick has issued his plan for Rutgers' future. Go to:<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

The transformation of College Avenue into a landscaped greenway that improves the campusÂ’ aesthetics, enhances pedestrian safety and encourages interaction. College Avenue, a city-owned street, will eventually be closed to vehicular traffic.


wow, that sounds really nice and closing it to cars is a good idea as it already has ped Xings every ten feet.
also the new river dorms and dining hall is great as the old ones aren't the best.
hopefully some of this will be done by the time i get to rutgers :)</p>

<p>Anything they can do would be an improvement. RU is a failure of campus planning and integration on a large scale. So much so that it has harmed the image and quality of the school IMHO.</p>

<p>I don't think that campus is that bad...and I have lived on campus my whole life. Sure they're a little spread out, but they aren't that bad if you stay on one campus for most of the day (most students do) and the new construction makes switching between them much faster. But I'm asuming you're talking about the New Brunswick / Piscataway campuses. I would agree that Newark and Camden are pretty bad and I would never want to live there.<br>
And if the pure size of the college takes away from it, the facalities more than make up for it. Have you seen the Sony Werblin Recreation Center? It has probably the nicest pool in the state.</p>