<p>I got accepted into both schools for engineering. I am torn between these two. Which one would you choose, and why? I visited both schools, and although they are polar opposites, both attract me. </p>
<p>I live in NJ so Rutgers will cost less, but only by about 5k, so cost is not a factor for me. </p>
<p>I had to make the same decision
I’m pre-vet, but maybe I can still help you. For me, price was the main deciding factor. UDel asked for $10,000 more than RU. Also, I really couldn’t go wrong with RU’s pre-vet program; it has everything I’m looking for. I found that UDel and RU are pretty much the same, academically. HOWEVER, if you are doing chemical engineering, DEFINITELY pick UDel. I believe their chemical engineering program is in the top 10 in the nation. Otherwise, I would just pick where you feel more comfortable. I like UDel’s campus more, but I feel RU’s campus is growing on me. If you think about it, you’ll be saving 20k in total if you go to RU. If cost still isn’t a factor for you, then just pick whichever campus you like best. I believe UDel’s students are more friendly, but I could be wrong. Maybe something to take into consideration is the diversity at RU. If you look up the stats, RU is significantly more diverse than UDel. Good luck!</p>