Rutgers Schedule Mishap?

<p>I am in the six year Pharmacy program and have decided to use my AP Biology credits to place myself out of General Biology. I am absolutely sure I sent in my AP credit sheet with ample time, and with correct information, to reach Rutgers.</p>

<p>However my schedule has General Biology on it. Calculus, which I could have placed out of and did not, is also on there (to confirm correct info on that AP credit sheet).</p>

<p>Perhaps it has to update. Nevertheless, do any fellow Pharmers have this situation as well?</p>

<p>And does anybody have General Psychology for this upcoming semester too? General Psychology is not on the Green Sheet (the Pharmacy Program Curriculum) as a Fall, First Year semester class :/</p>

<p>i was going to place out of bio too, but my schedule didn’t reflect that. perhaps it was because i sent in my slip later and they just received it. when i called, i was told to check the schedule again in two days because it takes 24 hours for the schedule change to process. hope this helps.</p>

<p>gen psych would come in place of bio, if you AP out of it and do not indicate any other elective, i think. </p>

<p>i thought i saw on the green, 6-year curriculum sheet psych listed as a course to be taken during the second year, first semester class. </p>

<p>that way, by APing out of bio and taking psych, you do lighten up your load second year. =)</p>

<p>Ah yes the issue has been resolved. It just needed to update. And General Psychology does indeed take General Biology’s slot with no command on my part.</p>