Rutgers Transfer

<p>I have a few questions about transfering,
1). When do transfers usually hear? (New Brunswick), does being in the honors program range make it take longer?
2). Being that I am in the honors program range (92 HS avg, 3.85 college GPA, 2110 SAT) does that mean I'll have a good shot of getting on campus housing?
3). If I don't get on campus housing I'll probably be getting an appartment with 2 of my hs friends and a kid from RU that theyre friends with, by the time I hear from the school will it be too late to find a decent off campus apartment assuming that I don't get on campus housing?</p>

<p>grades have nothing to do with housing. i you get accepted and want housing they will make room for you.</p>

<p>it’s a lot easier to get housing if you’re in the honors program. The administration bends over backwards for students like you.</p>

<p>thank you
and second response if that was sarcasm i had to lol at that because at my last school they actually did bend over backwards for honors kids (i wasn’t one, but i had friends who were)</p>

<p>well the thing is that transfer students are the last ones to get housing. yes there is housing for honors students but all the other students (returning and freshman) get housed first. I know quite a few people in the honors program that are being housed in a hotel this year.</p>

<p>true i actually got a phone call from one of my friends that goes to rutgers last night, as it turns out hes had a house all along just forgot to tell me, told me theres a spot reserved for me if i want it, just to let him know if i get in and then what my deal is with housing, so it looks pretty good</p>

<p>Those are pretty impressive scores. Could probably be accepted to NYU.</p>

<p>haha no. that was not sarcasm. I was being completely sincere. as an “honors scholar” I don’t even have to deal with the lottery system.</p>

<p>thanks to the person who said i could get into nyu, hopefully that holds true in about 3 years when im applying to law school lol. and person above me, thatd be cool if i could get on campus housing even if i do have to do the lottery, as long as I can avoid mccormick suites</p>

<p>on a sidenote, I do have to deal with the lottery but it is a much simpler process for me to get housing than it is for my friends who are not in the hp. </p>

<p>mccormick suites are not tooo bad. They are pretty nice and new and everything.</p>

<p>Brett is pretty nice, but I bet it fills up fast.</p>

<p>I got screwed out of being in the honors program because I was short a few credits when I transferred in. Now I don’t have time to do all those requirements… honors housing would be pretty freaking sweet though.</p>

<p>also, I transferred in fall 2008 and didn’t hear till mid april. rutgers cares more about freshman than transfers and will deal with them first.</p>

<p>since the Freshman priority deadline has passed, wouldn’t Rutgers be focusing on the transfer apps?</p>