<p>Has anyone received an admissions decision from Rutgers University in New Jersey (any of the campuses or New Brunswick in particular) yet?</p>
<p>I received acceptance to the 6yr PharmD program and my second and third choices as well.
The weird thing is that I just submitted my application on November 30th, which was two days before the December 1st deadline. Is it normal to get a decision from them so quickly?
Has anyone else already received an admissions decision? It has only been 6 days since I submitted my app. so how could they process is so quickly? o_o; Not that I'm complaining. I just feel a little suspicious but happy nonetheless! :)</p>
<p>Really? Huh, now I’m just confused. I got an email from Rutgers telling me that I can check my status so I logged on and there was my admissions decisions.
Would the fact that I’m outofstate have anything to do with it? Or is it just a mystery :T
btw, thanks for the reply Hopefully, you’ll hear from them soon!</p>
<p>I got my admissions letter (pharmacy and SAS) on 12/5, about a week and a half after applying. But I’m in-state. I guess they just accept students first and worry about scholarships and honors later.</p>
<p>I applied to Rutgers in Mid-October, and my Status page was updated twice, the second time on 11/12. I applied to Pharmacy, Arts and Sciences, and Biological Sciences.</p>
<p>GPA weighted = 4.01
SAT = 1350/2110
<p>lets not talk about that on a public website. all i know is that mine is waay better than yours. read your posts out loud, it really sounds like you are an immigrant.</p>
<p>just look at your last post “I know you are not 700s” <- what is that!!</p>
<p>there should be a “in the” after not. </p>
<p>read allll of your threads, they are exactly the same thing.</p>
<p>I was afraid it might be a hoax It’s nice to know that you got accepted so soon too, hoogli I was really surprised when I checked my status haha.
My stats aren’t great but they got me in lol</p>
<p>Out-of-state (CA), from a pretty competitive HS and freshman yr I went to a SI Tech (NY’s specialized science high school)
GPA: weighted 4.3 unweighted 3.9
SAT: cr 730 math 670 writing 770 essay 12 (2170 total)
extracurrics not great (clubs, music, band, volunteering, tutoring, etc)</p>
<p>levitylev, I applied in that exact order
School of Pharmacy, Arts and Sciences (biochem), and Environmental & Biological Sciences (biochem).</p>
<p>Wooooaaahhh, minibeast, we applied for the same schools, same order, and same major.
Hahahha, congrats, I’m in-state, and it’s been just about 4 weeks since I sent mine in. ):
Hopefully I’ll find out soon!</p>
<p>I got my decision earlier than my friends who are applying, too. I have about a 3.7 GPA at one of the worst HS in NJ, 1510/2190 SAT and I got my decision on Saturday. However, I was accepted ED at my first choice school. Meanwhile, people I know for whom Rutgers is the first-choice haven’t heard back! I’m very worried. I hope it just means they are sending out decisions as they make them and not waiting until everyone’s done. </p>
<p>Also, I think it is wonderful that Rutgers, a public Ivy, makes a good education available for NJ state residents who don’t do amazingly well on the SATs. Let’s face it, standardized tests are one of the most imperfect ways to judge a person’s capabilities. A public university should serve the people who pay for it, i.e. tax-paying New Jerseyans.</p>
<p>I also got in also…
I was very confused… I thought the priority decision was announced on Feb 28th…
apparently they decided to accept student early…(?)</p>
<p>I am out-of-state… well I am an international student… so I thought it was odd to get decision this early…</p>