rutgers vs drexel vs sju

<p>rutgers new brunswick
st. johns (in ny)</p>

<p>wanna do someting like business or prelaw or international studies as a major</p>

<p>rutgers- i live in nj- go to it all the time- nothing new or special for me- ugly campus thats too big-
drexel- not that great a school- too much of a party school- how is its reputation?
st johns- reputation not up there... known by a lota manhattan companies though..</p>

<p>If you want to do international stuff it might be a good idea to put yourself in a school in a large city, which would give Philly (and therefore drexel) the edge. And you'll have the distinct privilege of living a mere 3 blocks east of yours truly.</p>

<p>Besides, it's Drexcellent.</p>