<p>I am sorry guys, I love the school, but unfortunately I won't be able to attend. My dad makes a lot, a lot of money compared to the average joe, but has sooooo many expenses including having 2 others in college and me and another coming up. I thought about it hard, and I would have to take a combined 60,000+ to attend NW over the 4 years. My parents can pay fully for me to attend Cornell, b/c us, New Yorkers receive a subsidized tuition benefit for being tax payers here. Therefore, it is impossibly to justify the 60-65,000 in debt that I would incur, especially, when I am going to med school hopefully in the future. Although my parents said they would possibly be able to pay back the debt in the future, I do not want to hold this against them, b/c it simply isn't fair. Anyways, good luck and enjoy NW while I am off to Cornell. Maybe, i can attend med school here at NW. Anyways, thank you for all the wonderful times.</p>