<p>My cat just died and I am very sad! I was so close to that cat. What do you guys think I should do?</p>
<p>Buy a fish! (pet fish) I bought my zebra fish about a month ago, and it hasn't died yet, despite all the morbid predictions.</p>
<p>Wow I'm really sorry. </p>
<p>If you still like cats, go get one at the humane society.</p>
<p>If you're still trying to get into Harvard, send its cremated remains to them in an urn and write a very emotional essay about how the death of your cat changed you, but how it made you a better person and how you now have a more optimistic outlook on life.</p>
<p>lol, stew, or use fire ash (sorry, btw)</p>
<p>stew, hopelesshobo, thats SO not funny.</p>
<p>lol on ivyadmits.com there is an essay about schrodingers cat (spellin?) i thought somehow you were talking about that lol! (if you dont know about that experiment, check it out, its really cool. It is summerized in that essay, and its in stephen hawkings' book "a brief history of time"</p>
<p>Go and get it from the Lifestream.</p>
<p>If that doesn't work out, give your love to another cat.</p>
<p>Sorry for the loss.</p>