<p>How safe is the neighborhood off campus? I know Emory isn't exactly smack dab in the middle of Atlanta, but is there alot of crime around the school?</p>
<p>doubt it. I'm not worried.</p>
<p>The neighborhood around Emory is pretty upscale, and as safe as it gets in Atlanta.</p>
<p>Here's an example of the housing in the Druid Hills area- which includes Emory. I think you will feel just fine <a href="http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/atlanta/dru.htm%5B/url%5D">http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/atlanta/dru.htm</a></p>
<p>Very safe for a large city. Just need to be careful when venturing off campus and going into other parts of Atlanta which can be very UNsafe. Druid Hills/Emory/City of Decatur around the square - all safe areas.</p>
<p>you will be FINE, guaranteed.</p>
<p>Atlanta has lots of sketchy areas - but Emory is not one of them :)</p>
<p>The "sketchy" areas are not in places that most Emory students would be venturing. And believe me, having lived in both NY and Atlanta, gregster, I would say there are many more "sketchy" areas in NY than in Atlanta</p>
<p><a href="http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0921299.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0921299.html</a></p>
<p>Atlanta is a dangerous city.....stay in the right places like emory and you will be fine</p>
<p>Lets come back to the OPs question- Emory is in a wonderful area. Statisitcs on crime rates in major cities, especially those housing post-Katrina victims, dont address the question at hand. They recently busted a relatively large (9 person?) crime ring of violent NOLA refugees and expect the crime rate to drop significantly as a result.</p>
<p>"Statistics on crime rates in major cities, especially those housing post-Katrina victims"</p>
<p>What the hell does that mean?</p>
<p>I'm not playing favorites with my description, so I don't care if place X has more/less crime than NY.</p>
<p>I think I was extremely clear with my description that Atlanta has many sketchy areas, but you will not worry about them as an Emory student...unless you want to hit up the bad parts of Five Points.</p>
<p>Thanks for the great input!
I'm glad the neighborhood around Emory is safe. Somehow, I was thinking it was much closer to the city of Atlanta than it was.</p>
<p>^^I'm not sure if I understood you, terrygreg, but Emory (at least part of it) is inside the Atlanta city limits...it's just about ten minutes from downtown in a more affluent area than, say, Georgia State.</p>
<p>I was talking generally, like the greater Atlanta area as opposed to the the epicenter of the city itself. My understanding (hope I am right) is that Emory is in the Druid Hills/Decatur area of Atlanta where it is pretty safe and that if the students venture out into the busy city area of Atlanta, there are places that are ok and others that they should avoid. Kind of like here in Fort Lauderdale.</p>
Any major city has good and bad parts.
see post #4. Yes- Emory is in Druid Hill- a beautriful area with old stately homes.</p>
The crime rate in Atlanta and Houston and a few other cities rose significantly after the influx of the Katrina evacuees relocated. Just an unfortunate reality.</p>
<p>Druid Hills is gorgeous! I walked around LATE at night with my mom and got completely lost, but we felt totally fine.</p>
<p>again, you just need to be careful venturing off campus. As an adult, I occasionally see what looks like to me as "young student types" in fancy cars, loud and drawing attention to themselves in areas of the city that they have no business in (safety wise). The Emory campus is safe, but learn where to go and where not to go and try not to be so obvious that you draw attention to yourself with careless behavior that screams, "hey, look at me, I have some money on me and I am young and foolish."</p>
<p>The only sketchy areas at Emory are in the Beta and Phi Delt houses. But really, you all should be fine.</p>