<p>MOWC - Why not UMN? And yes, Vanderbilt has been on/off my list. Still not sure if it’s worth the trouble to apply to. So why Vandy?
**A few years ago a student at my school was accepted to Vandy, which shows that at least it’s possible to get accepted… (but I believed she got awesome recommendation letters and great ECs, which I don’t think I will get / have :D).</p>
<p>MImama - Rose Hulman is too small for me. I’m trying to avoid SMALL, ENGINEERING schools. I think I will feel trapped there :)</p>
<p>fallenchemist -
So is the place really like Palo Alto?</p>
<p>pizzagirl - I live in a city, so there are a lot of opportunities for public transportation. But I live in a third world country with … not so safe neighborhoods. For most students in my school, it’s really normal to not ever have to use public transportation. We carpool, or use the school bus service, or have private cars. On another note, I attended study abroad programs in metropolitan cities and I did just fine with public transportation. :)</p>
<p>jc40 - <this is=“” gonna=“” sound=“” stupid…=“”> What’s UCB? UMich was on my list but I think someone told me I would have to study for another year in college to be competitive for admissions? I don’t know if UMich will waive this “requirement” for me…</this></p>
<p>Cornell and Rice are currently my top favorites for private schools, but unfortunately they require subject tests (2 for Cornell, 1 for Rice). I don’t think I will have the time to study and take those tests by October (I’ll apply ED to Cornell :D). So, for now, excluding publics, the schools I saw you guys recommend are: Vandy, Stanford (subj tests are optional, though recommended), Northeastern, Northwestern. </p>
<p>Or do guys suggest I suck it up and take the subject tests?</p>