Safety at Saint Louis University

We live in NJ and are hearing mixed things about safety and the neighborhood around SLU. Would you feel safe sending your daughter there? Why or why not?

Yes. It’s closer to downtown than WUSTL so yes you’re in a city-ish area in a major city with crime issues.

If that’s a concern, then a lot of schools should be removed off your potential list.

If you have concerns, talk to the school. And yes both on and off campus, the student will need to be alert and have a birdie, etc in their hand at all times, not be looking at their screen but some would say that’s everywhere.

Good luck.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. As with any city you learn where and where not to go, how to best stay safe, etc. My D and I toured there a couple years ago. The campus was one of the most bustling, busy campuses we saw during that time. My D grew up in Oakland and now attends college in Chicago, so she is familiar with high-crime cities, but she knows which areas to avoid in both cities, how to be safe, carries a birdie, etc. I wouldn’t have worried too much about her if she had chosen SLU.

@Malsandhuskies D is at SLU, very happy there. Maybe she’ll chime in.


D22 attends SLU and she and her friends have had no safety issues. They are very comfortable both on and off campus (STL is a very fun city with lots to do so they take advantage of that). As others have mentioned, it’s all about knowing areas of the city to avoid and exercising good judgment (ie don’t walk home by yourself at 3am)

We come from a very safe suburban town and D22 very little city . She has ha she has had no issues adjusting. In fact, she is loving having
D22 has had a fantastic expedience at SLU so far! It’s a wonderful community!


Having lots of issues editing my previous post. My overall point is that SLU has felt like a safe and welcoming community for D22. It is an urban campus so you do have to be careful and okay with some city grittiness. My suburban girl loves the urban experience and finds lots of places on campus where she can feel away from the city when she wants that.

We live outside of Seattle and neither D22 or myself feel safe walking around much of that city.

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