Safety Colleges with strong major in Economics

<p>I am an international student applying RD this year. I plan on applying to two safety colleges (liberal arts) in addition to 5-6 other liberal arts colleges. I also require near to full aid, so I am searching for colleges known to give good financial aid to international students.
Here are my grades :
SAT : Math-640, Critical Reading-600, Writing-610 (yeah, not impressive)
Cumulative GPA : about 3.4</p>

<p>Please Help! Thank You in advance :)</p>

<p>Definitely look into Beloit, your stats fit nicely with theirs and according to college board they also dish out a nice amount of aid to their international students.</p>

<p>Wow, right on!
Beloit is already on my college list!
Thank you MidwestExpress.
Any other suggestions are welcome :)</p>

<p>If you search the FA or International sections on this board, you will find several threads reference to International students require FULL RIDE. I think there are only 6 schools offers that. Competitions for FULL RIDE are fierce, sorry to say that with your stats it will be VERY Difficult to get in(perhaps less than 1%, unless you’re from Equitorial Guinea, Central Africa Republic or some thing)</p>

<p>Can you afford ANY Thing for college? Starts from $10,000/year your chances are better, around $15~20,000/year will open a lot of doors.</p>

Colgate University</p>

Trinity College
Colby-Sawyer College
Macalester College
Trinity University</p>

Beloit College
DePauw University</p>

<p>In addition, here is my intended college list. Please give me feedback on whether these college list is right for me. I’d really appreciate it :D</p>

<p>My family can afford around $4,000 a year. I am from Nepal, a country in South Asia.</p>

<p>There are zero safeties for an international needing aid. There are very few schools with significant money for internationals and you dont have the stats for most of them. Your safety probably needs to be in your home country. Even a school like Beloit which looks achievable with your stats wants much more from an intnl they fund.</p>

<p>Agree with Waverly,</p>

<p>South Asia and Asia as a whole are heavily reprensented in USA, you can find more Nepal students in the internatial section of this board and post messages over there to find out more. I understand Nepal is a poor county, perhaps you have a chance with $3,000/year, however slim the chances are.</p>


In your situation, it will be difficult even at Beloit. They even require those 4 students who have full tuition aid to pay $10K in Room and Board, never mind personal expenses. I don’t think your stat will be one of the four described above.</p>

<p>Given your economic situation, you might want to look into Berea as a safety if you are dead set on going to school in the USA. It is, “the only school in the United States that provides 100% funding to 100% of enrolled international students for the first year of enrollment.” It is also apparently highly competitive for international students to get into, perhaps somebody on here has more knowledge on it then I do.</p>

<p>Shesan, are you aware that Colby College and Colby-Sawyer College are two different schools?</p>

<p>Yes, I am aware that the two colleges are different. I am planning on applying to Colby-Sawyer. Also, I heard that Colby-Sawyer also does not provide full aid and requires students to pay for room and board alike Beloit as stated by artloverplus. Is that true?</p>

<p>[Nepal</a> - College Confidential](<a href=“]Nepal”></p>

<p>4500 posts and you kept on staying here.</p>

<p>Thank You everyone for your suggestions and valuable information.
On a side note, damn i’m screwed -.-</p>