Safety @ GW?

I really like GW, but my parents are worried about me going there because of the safety since I am coming from outside of Atlanta. I have been to Washington DC before with my family (this was way before I was even considering colleges), and I loved the experience but I do distinctly remember feeling unsafe in areas near important sites, but I do understand that can be said for any city. In general, how is the safety, especially for women?

My family and I had the same concern about safety, especially since I’m from a very rural area. I don’t know anything from experience, but my GW tour guide stressed how safe the campus is. And if you really want to go to GW, but don’t want to be in Foggy Bottom, maybe the Mount Vernon campus would be more suitable for you.

Over spring break ( there was not a lot of people on campus), I walked like 20 miles by myself as a 17 year old girl between the National Mall, Foggy Bottom, the Ritz Carlton, all the way over to to the Capitol. I never felt unsafe, but a couple times I felt like people were following me but it was just my paranoia of being kidnapped haha. I walked from the Ritz (one right north of foggy bottom) all the way to the Washington Monument then to the Lincoln Memorial and back to the Ritz. This was around 9:30pm and there was nearly nobody in sight- I’d imagine it safer when people are actually around. In my experience it’s pretty safe as long as you’re alert as you should be whenever you’re walking around anywhere!

We are from the metro Atlanta area, and my D has felt very safe at GW. yes, it is an urban school, and yes its not a closed campus (though the Mount Vernon part of campus is moreso), so yes, anyone can walk around there, but even when I visited, I never felt like my D was in any danger. She doesnt take the metro anywhere without a companion, but otherwise has walked on her own and I dont fret it. Now the cold weather coming from the south…

From a male’s perspective, and one that’s spent 12 of the last 15 years in the D.C. area, I find [most of] city quite safe. I’ve attended sporting events at Nationals stadium at night and walked back to campus; I’ve visited countless restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues all over NW, SW, and parts of NE D.C.; I’ve lived on the Vern, Foggy, and commuted in from NOVA; and I’ve worked at a few different locations throughout the city. So yes, I’ve got a lot of experience in the city. Is there still crime in the city? Of course, but there are things you can do to make yourself less of a target (as a male OR female): don’t travel alone at night, don’t walk around the city while staring at your phone (always be aware of your surroundings, plus thieves will snatch your phone when you’re not expecting it), lock your dorm room when no one’s there (protects against theft- violent crimes are very rare on campus), and don’t drink so much that you can’t take care of yourself.

As a female specifically, most of the above will keep you safe, also. There are reports of sexual assault on campus, so it’s something to be cognizant of (although I don’t know if it’s necessarily any different from other universities).

With all that said, there are still some areas I don’t feel comfortable in so I never go there: far NE, and anywhere over the Anacostia River. Neither of these locations offer anything worthwhile, in my opinion, as pertaining to food or entertainment. NW (the quadrant that GW is in) is the safest and has just about anything you need.

My daughter graduated in May and lived off campus her junior and senior years. I know there were a few times she felt uncomfortable walking around at night but overall she felt safe in DC. She preferred buses over the Metro (she avoided the Metro if she could). Also, Uber is fairly cheap if you aren’t going far and she used that occasionally.