Safety school?

<p>Also for u of Minnesota?</p>

<p>Gpa: 3.85 on the rise, should be 3.89by the graduation
Rank: N/A
Elite top 100 public school known for scholars
State: MN
Gender: Male
Race: white
Act: 35C, 34E, 36M, 36R, 34S
AP: Euro 4, stats 4, us history not taken, am lit not taken
Senior load:
AP: Econ, Bio, calc bc
Art of film, concert band, Spanish 5
Recs: none yet, but I'm in tight with my counselor and several teachers so fingers crossed
Ecs: 4 years football (2 letters, 2 year starter)
3 years basketball
Community service letter (3 letters by grad)
4 years of being a church leader for middle schoolers
Several mission trips
240 hours of comm service by graduation
3 years of student leadership team </p>

<p>I think I'm a strong candidate but does anyone have any suggestions for my future? What am I missing?</p>

<p>I would say you are a lock to get into minnesota and uw. Nothing is guarunteed but i would be shocked if you are rejceted with those stats. Good luck.</p>

<p>You’re right about no guarantees but thanks!!</p>